poetry, Uncategorized

Toxic Love

Are you happy now?

Happy to see me fall?

The moments shared with you

feel like a curse to me now

A curse,

which is ripping my soul apart

with every passing moment.

I wish to rewind all those years to get back to my own self

‘My own self’,

Do you remember it?

The one you crushed slowly between the palms of your hands

in the name of four letters called ‘love’


Ah! The most beautiful lie you have ever told

Your toxic love runs into my viens

gulping my inside bit by bit

Are you happy now?

Happy to see me die?



Open your mind before open your mouth

Before you say something, think how you’d feel if someone said it to you. Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven not forgotton, keeping in mind the fact that not every one has the courage to forgive.

Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. You’ll have many opportunities to change a mood, but you’ll never get the opportunity to replace the words you speak. The tongue is a small thing but what enormous damage it can do.

Open your mind before open your mouth !!


Win $1000 before the year ends

Shikha Tatwadarshi - Parashar

Hello friends,

So as I was scrolling through this jumbled mess of a web today, I came across this wonderful contest with $1000 prize and I sat down to write this post as soon as I can, to let you guys know about it.

This competition is being contested by Sweek, a leading mobile app and website for upcoming writers and well-known authors. To participate in this contest you just have to make an account and upload your story or poetry on this site before 30th November 2017 and tag #sweekstars in the Story Details section.

The advantage of this competition is that it has a total prize money of $4000 and a grand prize of $1000.There are various other prizes too, that you can check by clicking here.

Another plus point is that it is open to all genres of stories, poetry and prose; has no word…

View original post 384 more words

Quotes, Uncategorized

Inner Light

Sometimes it is within our darkest moments that we find the true source of inner light.Your inner light shines when you are at peace with yourself and the world around you.No degree of worldly darkness can extinguish the glow of a soul’s inner light.Nothing can dim the light which shines from within. There is a morning inside you waiting to burst open.Though, without knowing darkness, one cannot know the light. But if the light is in your heart, you will find your way home.

Shine like the whole universe is yours.

Quotes, Uncategorized

Things to Remember

Twelve Things to remember in Life:

1.The past cannot be changed so focus on your present.

2.Opinions don’t define your reality, your actions do.

3.Everyone’s journey is different so avoid following others and write your own story.

4.Things get better with time.

5.Positive thoughts create positive things.

6.What goes round comes round.

7.You fail only when you quit trying

8.Judgments are a confession of character

9.Overthinking will lead to sadness.

10.Kindness is free. Give it to others to take it back.

11.Smiles are courageous.

12.Happiness is found within.

Quotes, Uncategorized

Hope over Fear

Hope over Fear

I have observed

we are of two minds:

the fear-based mind;

and the hopeful mind.


The fear-based mind says:

“We can’t” or

“We must not” or

“It’s arrogant to lift our heads”


I embrace hope over fear.


The hopeful mind says:

“We will” and

“We can” and

“We must” and

“Let’s each forge ahead with courage

together all into the great unknown…”


Best friend

Life is a poetry

Friend1Walking on the path of life all alone,
found a cute person filled with caring affectionate tone.
He came in whenever the whole world went out,
showering unlimited happiness onto me, no doubt.

The only person whom my eyes let them see cry,
to avoid such things again He would always best try.
The other name of life was his friendship,
so his name always found it’s place on my lip.

Added joy, laughter, felicity and care,
deducting all deep sorrows in heart and filling it instead with dare.
Multiplied my courage by filling positive hope to face odd things,
and dividing down my weakness by his precious words which in the ear rings.

Planted the seed of friendship alongwith him long back ago,
nurturing it with faith and love, waiting for it to strongly grow.
It would finally stand up to a magnificent brown tree,
and then on our…

View original post 51 more words

Quotes, Uncategorized


Relationships are about trust. If you have to play detective, then it’s time to move on.All relationships have one law. Never make the one you love feel alone, especially when you’re there.

You can’t just give up on someone because the situation is not ideal.Great relationships are not great because they have no problems.They’re great because both people care  enough about the other person to find a way to make it work. Nobody is perfect but in the end, affection is always greater than perfection.How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you.

And if some relationship ends, it doesn’t mean people stopped loving each other. They just stopped hurting each other.Sometimes, people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.

So stay strong and positive. And built mutual trust and respect in your relationships.



What is the difference between

                                                             I like you


                                                            I love you ?

Beautifully answered by Buddha;

When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But

when you love a flower, you waters it daily.

One who understand this, understands life.